Scorebot is a network testing framework which monitors the integrity of various network services for the purpose of scoring a network security exercise.
Usage Concept :
Scorebot will run at the "Headquarters" (or host of an excercise) and periodically test services. Specific events, like a root compromise, will be entered by the Red Team. A webpage will be continuously generated with current scores based on team performance, though scores will only reflect incidents known to the team. Some events, like no availability at all, may be revealed at the Director's discretion. Either throughout the exercise or afterwards, the impact of certain events can be adjusted to account for special circumstances (incorrect penalizations, etc.). In the end, the event-by-event summary will guide and greatly ease the final scoring of the competition and provide an in-depth analysis for teams to learn from.
Scorebot was initially developed by students at the US Naval Academy to help the National Security Agency score the annual inter-service Cyber-Defense Excercise (more on CDX). More about the development team here.