Directory cdx/scorebot/app/auditor/

Directory Created:
2007-01-22 12:58
Total Files:
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Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

cdx/scorebot/app/auditor/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 73 (100.0%) 5890 (100.0%) 80.6
dound 59 (80.8%) 4591 (77.9%) 77.8
allikat 10 (13.7%) 1196 (20.3%) 119.6
genned 3 (4.1%) 99 (1.7%) 33.0
captpossum 1 (1.4%) 4 (0.1%) 4.0

Most Recent Commits

dound 2007-04-09 04:11

Remove all checked items sometimes crashed while refreshing (didnt impact functionality because the crash occurred at the end of a thread's life).

9 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+9 -3)
dound 2007-04-08 00:43

Removed dead stores to local variables.

2 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+2 -8)
dound 2007-04-07 23:32

These classes are now final. They shouldn't be overriden because a new thread is started in their constructor. If these need to be overloaded, the constructor will need to be modified.

3 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+3 -3)
dound 2007-04-02 18:47

Fixed menu menmoics and disappearing help menu problem.
Changed reporting template's version to 1.01.
Added web to CVS.

4 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+4 -5)
dound 2007-04-01 15:20

Added recompile scoring menu.

47 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+8), (+39 -4)
dound 2007-03-31 21:29

Added shortcuts in the Help menu on all GUIs to launch the changelog.htm file and the user's manual. A more informative about dialog was also created.

13 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (-12), (+13 -14)
dound 2007-03-31 17:49

Each of the different application buttons has a tooltip which shows the name of the currently selected test / test item.

13 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+2 -2), (+11 -4)
dound 2007-03-31 17:44

The Auditor is now makes a distinction (in the text it displays) between "selected" and "checked" events. The "selected" event is the event whose row is highlighted in the tree (only one at a time can be selected). The "checked" event(s) are the events which are actually checked in the tree. This may or may not include the selected event, and may not have any events at all or every event.
The Auditor previously could only audit one result at a time. This has been improved so that once one result has been audited, you can apply (e.g. copy) its audited value and comment to all other checked items. The application can be limited to either all checked items which were generated by the same test (e.g. Resolve Hostname, Ping, etc.) or by the same test item (the things which run some sort of test which are defined by the user in the Configurer).

263 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+54 -15), (+209 -60)
dound 2007-03-31 16:04

Bug fix (1692105): When the entire tree was selected, the Auditor would crash if an action was performed on the selected events (e.g. report time changed/set/unset or the event(s) were removed). This has been fixed.

25 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+25 -5)
dound 2007-03-31 15:45

The reporting buttons were only being enabled when a TestEvent was selected. This has been fixed -- they are enabled whenever a file is loaded now. If clicked when no items are checked, then it warns the user that no items have been modified.

6 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+6 -17)
dound 2007-03-30 01:26

Add mnemonics and accellerators.

54 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+54 -3)
captpossum 2007-03-29 23:44

Help About correction

4 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: (+4 -4)
dound 2007-03-29 23:28

Complete! (added remove all selected command and the cboResult filtering option)

34 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+3), (+31 -11)
dound 2007-03-29 23:17

Result filtering now works.

48 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+3 -2), (+35 -29), (+10 -6)
dound 2007-03-29 22:06

Added select/deselect all funtionality. Configuration text box is now locked.

79 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+26 -1), (+53 -5)
dound 2007-03-29 21:07

Now able to audit fields. Also, now causes Score Event's TE's to reference the actual TEs (information in one place => easy to save and maintain). Because loading all the files can take some time, a wait dialog is now displayed while the GUI loads.

215 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+36 -16), (+179 -27)
dound 2007-03-29 21:06

A generic waiting dialog.

178 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: WaitingScreenDialog.form (new 75), (new 103)
dound 2007-03-29 18:37

Selection now works. Reporting can now be changed and TestEvents can be saved to file (all or selectively).

222 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+51 -21), (+171 -63)
dound 2007-03-29 16:46

Updated the layout to meet new needs and improve space usage.

625 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+302 -231), (+323 -259)
allikat 2007-03-28 14:52

no message

11 lines of code changed in:

  • cdx/scorebot/app/auditor: AuditorGUI.form (+3), (+8 -8)

(21 more)

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