Uses of Class

Packages that use RelationalExpression
cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic Contains the data structures used to hold and process the information parsed by the Scoring Logic lexical analyzer. 
cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic.parser Contains the Scoring Logic lexical analyzer and parser. 

Uses of RelationalExpression in cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic

Methods in cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic with parameters of type RelationalExpression
 void EqualityExpression.equal(RelationalExpression operand)
          tests this expression for equality with this operand
 void EqualityExpression.not_equal(RelationalExpression operand)
          tests this expression for inequality with this operand

Constructors in cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic with parameters of type RelationalExpression
EqualityExpression(RelationalExpression leftOperand)
          instantiate the conditional expression

Uses of RelationalExpression in cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic.parser

Methods in cdx.scorebot.scoring.logic.parser that return RelationalExpression
 RelationalExpression LogicParser.prRelationalExpression()