Package cdx.scorebot.util.swing

Swing utilities


Interface Summary
CalendarComboBoxListener The listener interface for receiving CalendarComboBox events.
FileOpener Implements by classes which are able to read a file from a given string.
TextFieldFIFO A special text container which limits the number of lines which it displays.

Class Summary
CalendarComboBox A custom component that mimics a combo box, displaying a perpetual calendar rather than a 'list'.
CalendarHourComboBox A custom component that mimics a combo box, displaying a perpetual calendar rather than a 'list'.
CustomTabOrder Allows users to easily generate focus traversal policies
CustomTabOrderSet Allows users to easily generate focus traversal policies with sets of tab orderings
FileMenuFrame Defines a menu bar with basic File-Open-Save-Save As functionality.
FileMenuNTPTemplate This GUI allows the user to use the new-open-save-save as functionality with an object of type T.
FileMenuXMLBasedFrame<T> This GUI allows the user to use the new-open-save-save as functionality with an object of type T.
FileNameEndingFilter An implementation of FileFilter that filters using a specified set of extensions.
GUIHelper Provides some functionality to help GUIs set defaults, etc.
JEditorPaneMultiSyntax A JEditorPane which highlights syntax with a MultiSyntaxDocument.
JEditorPaneScoringLanguage A JEditorPane which highlights the Scorebot Scoring Language syntax with a MultiSyntaxDocument.
JLogPaneFIFO JTextPane backed by a LogSyntaxDocumentFIFO restricted to the specified number of lines.
JTextAreaFIFO A special JTextArea which limits the number of lines which it displays.
LogSyntaxDocument Highlights syntax in a DefaultStyledDocument.
LogSyntaxDocumentFIFO A special DefaultStyledDocument which limits the number of lines which it displays.
MultiSyntaxDocument Highlights syntax in a DefaultStyledDocument.
SettingsFile Stores and retrieves settings to and from a file
TextScrollupListener Listens for changes in a document backing a JTextComponent and if the typing isn't the cause of the changes, then the JTextComponent is scrolled to the top.

Enum Summary

Package cdx.scorebot.util.swing Description

Swing utilities